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1. Description of the platform/product:

  • name and version of the software Prism View 4.1
  • free? No
  • commercial? Yes,
  • open source? No
  • what DICOM library do you use? DCM4CHE
  • Description of the relevant features of the platform:
    • are multiple tracksets supported in a single file? -No
    • do you support any optional measurement data associated with a track? -No
    • do you support any optional summary statistics associated with a track set? -No
    • do you write any other optional information to the TR file? (e.g. acquisition, model, attribute, algorithm identification etc.) -No

2. Read task

  • Results: tracks with FA
  • Results: tracts 3D visualization
Data Set BrainLab 3DSlicer MITK Prism
2 N/A
3 N/A

3. Write task

Results of validation using dciodvfy

Track Set 1:

Warning - Missing attribute or value that would be needed to build DICOMDIR - Study ID
Warning - Value dubious for this VR - (0x0008,0x0090) PN Referring Physician's Name  PN [0] = <None> - Retired Person Name form
Warning - Value dubious for this VR - (0x0010,0x0010) PN Patient's Name  PN [0] = <619432> - Retired Person Name form
Warning - is only permitted to be empty when actually unknown; should be absent (not empty) if an unpaired body part, and have a value if a paired body part - attribute <Laterality>
Track Set 2:

Warning - Value dubious for this VR - (0x0008,0x0090) PN Referring Physician's Name  PN [0] = <None> - Retired Person Name form
Warning - Value dubious for this VR - (0x0010,0x0010) PN Patient's Name  PN [0] = <WM-707> - Retired Person Name form
Warning - is only permitted to be empty when actually unknown; should be absent (not empty) if an unpaired body part, and have a value if a paired body part - attribute <Laterality>
Track Set 3:

Warning - Missing attribute or value that would be needed to build DICOMDIR - Study ID
Warning - Value dubious for this VR - (0x0008,0x0090) PN Referring Physician's Name  PN [0] = <None> - Retired Person Name form
Warning - Value dubious for this VR - (0x0010,0x0010) PN Patient's Name  PN [0] = <TracStor-03> - Retired Person Name form
Warning - is only permitted to be empty when actually unknown; should be absent (not empty) if an unpaired body part, and have a value if a paired body part - attribute <Laterality>