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In 2015, Andrey Fedorov and Daniel Rubin came up with an idea of a collaborative project with the goal of testing and improving DICOM interoperability for communicating quantitative image analysis results (so called, "DICOM-QI connectathon"). This led to a Quantitative Imaging Reading Room (QIRR) exhibit at the annual convention of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) in 2015. The goal of that exhibit was to demonstrate DICOM-based communication of the image segmentation results. You can see the summary of the exhibit results in this poster.

QIICR RSNA 2015 Poster

In 2016, a larger group assembled aiming to continue and expand the scope of the original 2015 RSNA/QIRR DICOM for Quantitative Imaging (DICOM4QI) connectathon. Following successful application for participation, RSNA 2016 QIRR will feature the new iteration of the connectathon.

QIICR RSNA 2016 Poster

Evolution of the DICOM4QI scope


DICOM segmentation objects.


DICOM parametric maps and TID1500 structured reports added.


Longitudinal datasets and DICOM tractography objects added.


Focus on the use of DICOM Structured Reporting for communicating radiomics features, collaboration with the Imaging Biomarker Standardization Initiative (IBSI).