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The overall goal is to demonstrate interchange of the types of DICOM objects needed for quantitative imaging research.

To participate:

  • you do not need to support all of the object types and tasks listed in the following sections!
  • you do not need to be physically present at RSNA! You can submit your results for inclusion in this public resource. Those of us at RSNA will be happy to tell attendees about your tool, and refer them to you if there are further questions we cannot answer.

If your platform has support for any of the objects within the scope of DICOM4QI, we would love to hear from you and include your submission!

Each participant is asked to complete the following tasks:

  1. Describe the relevant features of the platform: short narrative of how the platform implements support for the specific type of object, what features are implemented, what features are missing.
  2. Read task: Demonstrate how the provided test dataset is consumed and presented to the platform user. In this task we aim to evaluate both the accuracy of interpreting the specific test dataset, and the end-user usability.
  3. Write task: Generate a dataset of the type in question. The dataset will be used to test interoperability of your platform with the other platforms participating in the connectathon.

Your submission must include the details about the platform you used to generate the results (name of the product/platform, version). If your platform is available publicly, please include access instructions.

The datasets specific to each of the types of DICOM objects evaluated are described in the following sections.

The top-level location containing all of the datasets as sub-folder is here.

To participate and submit new results

Please use the DICOM4QI Submission Google Form.


The screenshots and the DICOM objects you submit will be distributed publicly and included in this document in the Results section.

To update existing content

Please use "edit" icon in the upper right corner of the page, or submit a pull request with changes to this repository on GitHub: Once your PR is merged, the content will be updated automatically.